We are going to dive in today and talk about something that is not discussed enough when it comes to fertility: the male perspective and ownership. Ladies, listen up too because you can share this with your partner if you’re trying to get pregnant, feeling stressed because you aren’t conceiving as quickly as you hoped, or maybe you’ve experienced a miscarriage. This conversation is for you.
First and foremost, it’s important to take care of yourself and show up in the best way possible. Lifestyle changes can make a huge difference. That’s why I’ve invited Dr. Melissa Winrich here today, so we can finally address the other side of fertility. We both see it in our clinics all the time. People are often shocked if they don’t get pregnant right after stopping birth control.
It really does take two.
We need to start incorporating men into the fertility process. We spill the tea on practical ways guys can support their hormones, like getting enough sleep, lifting weights, and reducing toxins.
Dr. Melissa explains that working on metabolic health, muscle mass, and good nutrition is crucial for healthy sperm, motility, morphology, and count of all matter. She also talks about fertility as a vital sign, not just for women but for men, too. By focusing on daily movement, eating real food, and minimizing stress, couples can drastically improve their chances.
All of this comes back to feeling good in your body and your relationship. We need to be connected and have fun along the way. Whether you’re just starting out or have been trying for a while, this episode is a must.
We’ll show you why male fertility matters and how men can genuinely show up for a healthy, vibrant path to parenthood.
Connect with Dr. Melissa Wenrich
Instagram: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmelissawenrich/
Grab her Fertility Freebie and Learn More about Womb Healing
Connect wtih Dr. Audra
GRAB the FREE Breathe Out of Tensions SERIES HERE: https://linktr.ee/draudra
Grab My Favorite Supplements HERE: https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/spinesport/store-start
*Disclaimer: I am a doctor but not your doctor. Please consult your primary care physician before making changes to your medications, supplements, and medical needs.